Website designing has become very easy task nowadays and it can be learnt very easily also. They have standardized guidelines which help the users to design the website according to their preferences. If you’re planning to design with the help of HTML, there are few steps which you need to follow to create a new web page. Here are few steps which might guide you in creating your first web page
Step 1: Deciding upon the theme for your website
Web is a whole new world which has anything and everything you want to know about and even simplest thing can be found while you browse the internet. So, it is important to decide on content you want to develop for your site and have a rough sketch on how you want your website to look. It is wise to develop a content which will interest many users and with that as a base, try developing your site.
Step 2: Learning and Using HTML tool
It is to very simple to learn and use HTML while designing a website. However many prefer creating a website without the knowledge of HTML but it will be even more easier if you design your website with knowledge of basic HTML codes.HTML usually has opening tag < > and closing tag </>. Here are few basic HTML Tags
<html> — The HTML tag
This should be the first tag on your page. The closing </html> tag should be the last. These tell the browser they are working with an HTML document.
<head> — The head tag
The head tag goes right after the HTML tag. The only thing that you need in it is the title tag. After you've included your title, use the </head> closing tag.
<title> — The title tag
This tag gives your page a title. The </title> closing tag is required.
<body> — The body tag
<p> — The paragraph marker
This tag separates groups of text with an extra space. The </p> closing tag is required for valid XHTML.
<h#> — The heading marker
This tag creates headings of various sizes. Replace the #-sign with a number, 1-6. The </h#> closing tag is always required.
<hr /> — The horizontal rule tag
This draws a line across the screen. You can change the length by adding the width attribute. e.g. <hr width="50%" /> There is no closing tag.
<br /> — The break tag
If you want a line to end and the text to start again on the next line, use this tag. There is no closing tag.
<strong> — The bold tag
Use this tag to make text bold. The </strong> closing tag is required.
<em> — The italics tag
Use this tag to italicize text. The </em> closing tag is required.
Step 3: Hosting your web page
Many sites are available on which you can host your page and most of these are free.
Step 4: Popularizing your site
You need draw attention for your site from people and that can be done by many ways such forwarding details about your new web page to your friends through email, placing an ad, link exchanges or just casually telling your friends when you meet up with them.